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Monday, September 14, 2009

Java2Days Conference 08 - 09 October

Hi guys,

I want to introduce you the Java2Days event.

It’s a new event in Eastern Europe and it presents the latest trends in Java development.

The conference will be held at the Inter Expo Center on 8-9 October in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The conference is hosted by Insight_technologies and the Bulgarian National Academy for Software Development (NASD).

Over two days, more than 600 attendees will meet world famous lecturers, engaged all year round in such events as JavaOne, The ServerSide Java Symposium, Jazoon showcasing their latest knowledge in creating more reliable, scalable and secure solutions using Java technologies.

The fees for the conference are as follows:

VIP Pass – 175 EUR

VIP Pass Includes:

• Access to all sessions
• Eco bag with advertising materials
• VIP promoting gifts
• Coffee breaks
• Front row seating
• DVD with all conference materials, video, photos and etc.
• Q & A session with the lecturers

Standard Pass – 110 EUR

Standard Pass Includes:

• Access to all sessions
• Eco bag with advertising materials
• Coffee breaks
• Q & A session with the lecturers

You can add to your pass:

Lunch – 10 EUR per day

The buffet lunch is in a separate hall with plenty of salads, different kinds of meats, vegetarian dishes and desserts.

You can read more about Java2Days conference at http://java2days.com

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Best Code Highlighter

Code highlighters are very useful tools to present code snippets on your blog or website with a professional look and improve the readability of code you provide for your readers. In this post I want to introduce you the best highlighter which I found.

The past two days I search in Google about code highlighters and I saw so much that I’ve got a headache.

I saw posts about:

• SyntaxHighlighter
• Quick Highlighter
• FV Code Highlighter
• Source Code Highlighter
• Highlight.js
• Etc.

There are so much highlighters but no one can’t highlight the source code in way what I want.

A good part of my posts contain source code snippets to illustrate and/or compliment the content. I’m a .NET developer and I write code in Visual Studio. In my posts when I show source code I want it to be formatted as in Visual Studio, with same colors and styles.
After two days research I found one. I think it’s the best one.

Windows Live Writer

You can download it from here.

The Writer Windows Live Gallery has a growing list of plugins. One of the useful is
Code Snippet plugin for Windows Live Writer.

But the most important to me is:

Paste from Visual Studio

It easily transfer syntax highlighted source code from Visual Studio to elegant HTML in Windows Live Writer.

You can find the plugin here.

If you have some troubles with installation on vspaste.msi file look this articles here and here.

I used Windows 7 beta and when I tried to install .msi file I had the error. But with “less msiérables” I could get the plug-in dll and then move it to “...\Program Files\Windows Live\Writer\Plugins”.

How does Paste from Visual Studio work ? Just copy the code from Visual Studio and insert it directly to Windows Live Writer.

The plug-in generates html and in browsers it is look exactly like code in Visual Studio.

public interface IChangeBoxedPoint
void ChangeProperties(int x, int y);

struct MyPoint : IChangeBoxedPoint
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }

public void ChangeProperties(int x, int y)
this.X = x;
this.Y = y;

public override string ToString()
string message = string.Format("X - {0}, Y - {1}", X, Y);
return message;

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs"
Inherits="TestCaching._Default" %>
@ OutputCache Duration="10" VaryByParam="none" Location="Client" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" >
head runat="server">
form id="form" runat="server">
<%=DateTime.Now %>

The last that you can do is to delete author’s website link– It never shows up on the page, but it is on the bottom in the generated html.

This was a little disappointed to me, but the plug –in does it great job and the only one disadvantage is the hidden author’s link – which you can delete :)